Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day One

Forgive this horrible introduction, I know I should just jump into what I want to do, but it feels weird somehow. I am starting this as a way to document experiences and memories from my life. Most of which I have found made other people laugh, so I'm only going to share the funny ones.  So.... I hope you enjoy them. I want to add pictures at some point, but I'd prefer my own drawings and (sorry, apple fans) I do not have a mac. So, I'll have to work on that at some point.  Not the mac. The drawings. 

I'm going to start with something brief, so that I can feel like I've accomplished something today.  These are two questions that I asked my mother when I was about 5 years old. Maybe 6. The first question, arguably the question that is not as amusing was as follows:

Me: Mom... what would we do if there was a tornado and a fire at the same time. Obviously, I had recently learned school drills about hunkering down (in a basement, if possible) during a tornado and fleeing the building during a fire.
Mom: That wouldn't happen.
Me: But what if it did?
Mom: exasperated  Then we would go to the neighbors house.

This argument apparently worked as my feeble mind didn't realize we'd have to run next door in the tornado. *sigh*

The definitely more amusing question, especially coming from a 5 year old:

Me:  Mom, how will I know how to call the big, black car to come and take you away when you die??
Mom: most likely horribly disturbed that her daughter is asking her this question at 5 years old I think you'll know how to do it by then.

Stay tuned for the next episode... where I will discuss my queer fascination with theatre and death.